Thursday, September 4, 2008

2 Days and Counting

Wow…this week has gone by fast! I’m very grateful for it. On Saturday I get to go to the Jordan River Temple and take my own Endowments out, and I’m thankful for the chance. Some of my family and friends will be there with me and that makes me very happy. I wish my Brother Ryan and Sister in Law Pam could be there with me, but they’re way over in England, and I know they’ll be with me in my heart.
The past few weeks have been challenging, and I knew they very well may be, because Satan really likes to get to you when you’re doing the right thing, and boy…he’s a Meany, but I’ve not let him deter me, because I know what I’m doing is the best thing in my life at this point, and hopefully one day, I’ll find a worthy man to marry me in the Temple.
I’ve learned a lot this past month about myself, about my Testimony and my love for my Savior and Heavenly Father, and I can’t wait to be able to see them again one day. I am so grateful to my Savior for coming to this earth and making it possible for me to return home again one day. I am also so very grateful for Joseph Smith, and for him seeking out the true church and being heedful to the promptings, and bringing forth the restored gospel. I am looking forward to personally thanking him one day. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have my primary class the CTR8 kids and helping them learn the scriptures, as well as me learning with them. I also am thankful (I think..hehe, just kidding I am) for my Single Adult calling, it’s going to be very challenging and very interesting, and I hope that I will be able to make a difference.
Well, that’s all really for now.


Unknown said...

Wish I could have been there. Hope the day was wonderful. Tell us all about it. Love Aunt Jane

Leah and James Bangert Family said...

Thank you for your testimony! And once again I am sorry that I wasn't able to attend the temple with you. If I had only just double checked my recommend before the day before....
I love you.